



(1. 中国路桥工程有限责任公司,北京  100011;2.中交路桥建设有限公司,北京  100027)
    摘要:以马普托大桥工程为背景,使用吸水率达3.0%以上的粗集料Namaacha碎石(N石)和Hipermaquinas碎石(H石)研究高性能海工混凝土的配合比设计。结果表明,N石的吸水速率以及饱和吸水量均大于H石,主要原因在于N石所含孔体积大于H石,且孔径比H石更大。根据2种碎石的性能,选择N石进行C40海工混凝土配合比设计,确定最佳水胶比为0.38,粉煤灰掺量为35%;选择H石进行C50海工混凝土配合比设计,确定最佳水胶比为0.33,粉煤灰掺量为20%。最佳配合比的C40、C50混凝土海水浸泡180 d的抗压强度与标养条件下接近,RCM法测试的365 d氯离子迁移系数小于1.6×10-12 m2/s,具有抗海水侵蚀性能。
    中图分类号:TU528        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1001-702X(2018)02-0005-08
Research on high-performance marine concrete mix design with high water absorption coarse aggregate
BAI Pengyu1,ZHANG Yan2,ZHU Changchun2
(1.China Road and Bridge Corporation,Beijing 100011,China;2.Road & Bridge International Co. Ltd.,Beijing 100027,China)
    Abstract:Based on Maputo bridge project,mix design of high performance marine concrete is studied using coarse aggregate Namaacha gravel(N) and Hipermaquinas gravel(H) with high water absorption above 3.0%. The results show that the water absorption rate and saturated water absorption of N are larger than that of H. The main reason is that the pore volume of N is larger than that of H stone,and the pore diameter is larger than that of H stone. According to the performance of the two kinds of gravel,the mix design of C40 marine concrete using N gravel is water-cement ratio of 0.38 and the fly ash content of 35% and the mix design of C50 marine concrete using H gravel is water-cement ratio of 0.33 and the fly ash content of 20%. Seawater immersion experiment on the optimum mixing ratio of C40,C50 concrete shows that the 180 d compressive strength test results and standard conditions strength test results are similar,chloride Ion diffusion coefficients of concrete in 365 d are less than 1.6×10-12 m2/s by RCM method. The results show that the design of marine concrete has resistance to seawater erosion.
    Key words:mix design,large water absorption coarse aggregate,water absorption rate,marine concrete,strength