



[安徽省(水利部淮河水利委员会)水利科学研究院,安徽 蚌埠  233000]
    摘要:现行标准GB/T 11969—2008《蒸压加气混凝土性能试验方法》中抗压强度试验方法存在三方面的问题:缺少含水率低于8%试件的试验方法;存在因含水率不合格而导致试验失败的风险;试验过程繁琐。基于上述问题,通过控制试件的含水率和含水率分布试验,建立了一种新的抗压强度测试方法——含水率定量法,即先把试件烘至恒重,然后加入定量水,密封后垂直于发气方向放置(每间隔12 h交换1次上下位置),至少放置24 h后进行抗压强度测试。利用该方法解决了上述问题,且缩短了试验时间。
    中图分类号:TU502        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1001-702X(2018)02-0141-04
Discussion on new test method about compressive strength of autoclaved fly ash aerated concrete

ZHANG Yatao,WANG Song,ZHANG Chengyin
(Anhui and Huaihe River Institute of Hydraulic Research,Bengbu 233000,China)
    Abstract:There are three problems about the test method of compressive strength in the current standard GB/T 11969—2008 "Test methods of autoclaved aerated concrete":lacking a test method of compressive strength to the sample water content of less than 8%,existing a failure risk caused by the unqualified water content,the test process is cumbersome. Based on the above problems,a new test method of compressive strength was established by controlling the water content and water content distribution of the sample. The new test method is water content quantification method. The definition is to bake samples to the constant weight firstly,and then adding the quantitative water to the samples,placing in the direction of the vertical air after sealing(each time interval 12 h exchange up and down position),performing the compressive strength test after placing at least 24 hours. This method is used to solve the above problems,and the test time is shortened.
    Key words:aerated concrete,water content,compressive strength,test time