



(1.广西科技大学,广西 柳州  545006;2.柳州市建筑节能与墙体材料改革办公室,广西 柳州  545001)

    摘要:为提高加气混凝土在低密度时的力学性能和热工性能,以粉煤灰、陶粒、双氧水、纳米CaCO3等为原料,通过化学发泡法制备了轻质高强陶粒加气混凝土。采用单因素控制变量进行试验,分析了影响材料力学及热工性能的因素,通过多元线性回归获得满足抗压强度为7.0~9.0 MPa、抗折强度为2.5~4.0 MPa的最佳配合比。结果显示,抗折强度与导热系数线性回归方程检验值达到较高的显著水平,配合比设计中应以抗折强度和导热系数为初筛的主要参考指标。当陶粒、粉煤灰、双氧水掺量分别为25%、30%、6.0%时,陶粒加气混凝土抗压强度为8.20 MPa、抗折强度值为2.70 MPa、导热系数为0.239 W/(m·K),表观密度为967 kg/m3。
    中图分类号:TU522.3+2        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1001-702X(2018)05-0109-04
Study on the mechanical and thermal properties of lightweight and high-strength ceramsite aerated concrete
TAN Chunlei1,DENG Yu1,REN Ji1,QIN Wenying2,JIANG Weichang1,HUANG Fanrong1,ZENG Xin1
(1.Guangxi University of Science and Technology,Liuzhou 545006,China;
 2.Liuzhou Reform Office of Energy-Efficient Building and Wall Materials,Liuzhou 545001,China)
   Abstract:In order to improve mechanical and thermal properties of concrete with low volume-weight,fly ash,ceramsite,hydrogen peroxide,nano-calcium carbonate were used to prepare lightweight and high-strength ceramsite aerated concrete with the chemical foaming method. The experiment prepared test blocks was carried out with single factor control variate method,and the effect of various factors on mechanical and thermal properties of concrete was analyzed. An optimal mixture ratio was obtained by using multiple linear regression analysis,the compressive strength was in the range of 7.0~9.0 MPa,and bending strength was in the range of 2.5~4.0 MPa. Results show that the inspection value of multiple linear regression equation of bending strength and thermal conductivity was extremely remarkable. The value of bending strength and thermal conductivity was used to screening of mix design. When the mixing amount of ceramsite,fly ash and hydrogen peroxide was 25%,30% and 6.0%,the value of compressive strength,bending strength,thermal conductivity and apparent density was 8.20 MPa,2.70 MPa,0.239 W/(m·K),967 kg/m3,respectively.
    Key words:ceramsite aerated concrete,physical performance,multiple linear regression