



(上海城建物资有限公司,上海  200063)

    摘要:基于Dinger-Funk紧密堆积模型进行胶凝材料颗粒级配(0.01~75 μm)及骨料级配(0.15~20 mm)的计算结果,进行C100混凝土配合比验证和优化,确定了符合预期目标的C100混凝土配合比。并将其应用于足尺框架预制构件的制备,通过对原材料的选择、生产线的要求、制备工艺关键技术等方面展开研究,对制备过程中发现的问题提出了解决措施并验证,最终形成了一套相对完整的高强高性能预制构件制备工艺并积累了较为丰富的经验。
    中图分类号:TU528.7        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1001-702X(2018)01-0072-05
Study on key production technologies of C100 high strength and high performance concrete
prefabricated components preparation

QIN Lian,DENG Ping,SHEN Jun,WU Shuxian,LIN Jiawei,QIAN Jun,HU Guoen
(Shanghai Urban Construction Material Co. Ltd.,Shanghai 200063,China)
    Abstract:This paper introduced a calculation method of C100 high strength and high performance concrete mix proportion which is based on the Dinger-Funk dense packing model. This model contained the gradation of cementitious materials(0.01~75 μm) and aggregate(0.15~20 mm). After the verification and modification of calculation result,we confirmed the mix proportion and used it into the real size prefabrication concrete production. Through the research of the raw material choice,requirement of the production line,and the key production technologies,we proposed solutions to the problems occurred in the process of production and make them verified. Through the study of this paper,we accumulated a wealth of experience and formed a relative complete product process,which is about the high strength and high performance concrete prefabricated component.
    Key words:C100 concrete,Dinger-Funk,high strength concrete prefabricated component,high performance concrete prefabricated component,production process