



(1.郑州工商学院 建筑与测绘工程系,河南 郑州  451400;
2.郑州大学 纤维复合建筑材料与结构教育部工程研究中心,河南 郑州  450000)
    中图分类号:TU56+1.6        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1001-702X(2017)10-0128-04
Effect of super hydrophobic material coating on anti-icing performance of concrete
WANG Zhibo1,LIU Wei2
(1.Department of Architecture and Surveying Engineering,Zhengzhou Business College,Zhengzhou 451400,China;
2.Engineering Research Center of Fiber Composite Building Materials and Structures,Ministry of Education,
Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
    Abstract:Through the study of the basic properties of super hydrophobic coating concrete,it is concluded that the contact angle of the surface and the binding force of the ice sheet are the key parameters affecting the anti-icing effect of the super hydrophobic material. The properties of super hydrophobic coatings were analyzed by means of icing and deicing test. The results show that the super hydrophobic material coating can reduce the contact angle of the concrete surface,and further reduce the ice quality,prolong the freezing time and reduce the ice binding force. Super hydrophobic materials can effectively improve the anti-icing performance of concrete.
    Key words:super hydrophobic material,concrete anti icing,concrete ice phobic